One week after Ryan Dunn died in a fatal high-speed car crash, American cable- and satellite-television channel (TV network) G4 will be paying tribute to Jackass star Ryan Dunn before airing the remaining episodes of his Proving Ground show.“Ryan was an incredible talent who will be missed tremendously by his many fans, including G4 viewers,” said G4 President Neal Tiles. “It was important to all of us at G4 to find a way to celebrate his life and pay tribute to him. With the support of Ryan’s family, we’ve decided to air the remaining episodes of G4’s Proving Ground and give his fans the opportunity to continue watching this series that he was so passionate about.”Before airing the remaining eight episodes of Proving Ground G4 will air the Dunn tribute as part of a special Attack of the Show! on July 19 at 7 p.m. followed by the next episode of Proving Ground.Dunn and his friend Zachary Hartwell were killed last week after the 34-year-old Dunn lost control of his Porsche while travelling at a high rate of speed near the Pottstown exit of Route 322 in West Goshen, Pennsylvania.